Verify your iOS version
The Microsoft Remote Desktop client requires iOS 13.0 or newer
Tap Settings >General >About
Verify that the software version is 13.0 or higher
Install the Client
Open App Store and install Microsoft Remote Desktop
You can also enter an account description.
Launch the Client
Choose to add a Workspace
By default PCs are selected, choose Workspaces.
Once you have chosen Workspaces, click the PLUS icon to add a new workspace.
Define the Workspace
Enter the URL for the workspace:
As you type this the fields below will automatically fill out
Add your user account
Choose User Account >Add User Account and enter your username and password. Remember to prefix your username with 'remote\'
View Workspaces
After clicking Next your device will automatically load the Remote Workspace
Select your Mouse type
You have two choices in how your mouse will behave. By default if you move your finger on the screen the remote mouse pointer will move accordingly. If you prefer more of a touch interface then click the double arrow icon at the top of the screen and choose the touch icon.
Please note that there are many applications that work better with the mouse pointer settings versus the touch setting.