How to setup Multi-Factor Authentication

Please follow the steps below to setup your Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). This will add a second layer of protection to help keep your account secure.


Before beginning this process you will need to have the following:

Mobile phone

Must be able to receive calls and/or SMS text message

Authenticator apps

We do not have a preferred authenticator app, but here is a short list of available apps:
  • Microsoft Authenticator. For instructions click here
  • Google Authenticator. For instructions click here
  • Duo Mobile. For instructions click here
  • Authy (also available for desktop). For instructions click here
You can get these in the iOS App Store, Google Play Store, or via the internet if avaiable.

Log into the Multi-Factor Authorization page

Go to

If you are not logged in to Office 365 you will be asked to login.

If you are already logged in to Office 365 you will see this screen. Click Next

Setup text to authentication phone

  • Select Authentication Phone
  • Select your country and enter your mobile number
  • In Method choose Send me a code by text message

Click Next

Enter the verification code

Click Verify

When the code is verified you will see 'Verification successful!'

Click Done

Additional Security Verification

At this screen you will see a Verification successful message.

Click Done

On the next screen you may be prompted to stay signed in. Click No

Set up authenticator app

Click Set up authenticator app

Configure mobile app

Note: next to the QR code is an option to 'Configure app without notifications.' Not clicking this will set the app to send you a notification to allow authentication. Clicking it will set the app to prompt you to enter a code to authenticate.

Using QR code

  • Open the authenticator app
  • Add an account and choose work or school for your company Microsoft 365 account. For all others select Other
  • Scan the QR image
  • Click Next

Without QR code

If you are unable to scan the image, follow the instructions on your app to enter the information manually

What's your preferred option?

Back in the Additional security verification page, you will see 'what's your preferred option?' section near the top with a dropdown. Click the dropdown to select the authentication methond you would like set as default.

Click Save

You have completed the setup!

At this point you have finished the setup.

What happens when you login?

You will either see one more screen asking for the code, or receive a notification on your phone to authenticate the login.

Enter the code they send you and click Verify.

If you have any questions, call us
